On January 14th, members of the De-RISC consortium met virtually to discuss the general progress of the project being developed under the European Commission Horizon 2020 program.
De-RISC consortium starts 2021 with its first 5th progress meeting. Members of the consortium reviewed the current status of the planned activities on the equator of the project.
Last week, our partners showed the progress of each work package during these past months and the future plans related to its work area. The consortium gave valuable comments and feedback to work efficiently and the meeting was a real success.
Attendees started the meeting with the Hardware Platform Integration and a discussion about the progress concerning the safety features to be added to the PMU and the digital design of the SoC platform. It continued with the Software aspect, covering the successful porting of the XtratuM XNG Hypervisor to the De-RISC platform and the porting of LithOS guest OS to RISC-V. After that, the consortium talked about the key role of the validation strategy during the next months and BSC shared with the consortium the designed validation tests which will be essential during this process. Finally, De-RISC partners discussed about the communication activities being performed in the project and commented the recent updates in an upcoming event: HiPEAC 2021. During this conference, the consortium will have a prominent role in a workshop which will cover every aspect of the project.
Our experts are successfully working on this innovative and challenging way to achieve the first RISC-V fully European platform for space and progress meetings are an essential part of this process in order to coordinate the work of all partners. A big thank you to all the attendees; we are on track!