De-RISC’s 9th progress meeting

    Jan 19, 2022

    De-RISC consortium starts 2022 with its first 9th progress meeting. Members of the consortium reviewed the current status of the planned activities on the last quarter. Once again, this meeting had to be held online due to the COVID-19 restrictions but it still had the same scope as a face-to-face one which, if the pandemic situation gets better, will be the modality of the next appointment.

    During this one-day meeting, all work package leaders shared all the advances and results obtained during this quarter. They also provided the future plans related to each work area for this last year of project. The full consortium gave valuable comments and feedback to work efficiently and the meeting was a real success.

    Paco Gómez (fentISS), Project Officer of De-RISC, stated that the work performed during these past months has been formidable and encouraged the consortium to keep working in this last period in which more results will be provided.

    Our experts are successfully working on this innovative and challenging way to achieve the first RISC-V fully European platform for space and progress meetings are an essential part of this process in order to coordinate the work of all partners. The next one will be in April 2022 and all members hope it is finally going to be a face-to-face meeting.

    Thanks to all the team members for taking the time to share their progress.