De-RISC during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Jun 22, 2020

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, organisations around the world decide to adopt telecommuting. The De-RISC team decided to continue its efforts working from home.

    On January 24th 2020, the first COVID-19 case in Europe was confirmed. From then, more than 2.5 million European citizens have been reported with the infection and almost 200,000 died from it. A big percentage of the world’s population stayed in some form of lockdown, and the De-RISC consortium was not an exception. 

    Our project involves 4 institutions in 3 different countries (Spain, France and Sweden) and, even though the impact of this infectious disease has been different in each area, all our partners have decided to continue the progress of the project from home.

    In the past months, our consortium members have had to adapt their day-to-day to a new reality: holding meetings through the internet, attending to virtual events, working from home without access to equipment, facilities, archives, etc. Adapting activities while taking into consideration measures like travel restrictions or social distancing is a challenge, but our partners have been able to modify tasks in order to fulfill the goals of the project.

    fentISS team working during the pandemic

    Working remotely has been one of the biggest adjustments the team has been dealing with during these months. Concerned with the exceptionality of this situation, the De-RISC team has responded with great responsibility and dedication while working from home. Telecommunications have been an essential part of the business and, not only the monthly meetings have been held through this way, but also progress meetings. Last one was supposed to be face-to-face in Barcelona and the next one, which is expected to be held in Gothenburg, will probably be held online as well due to the circumstances. The entire consortium has revealed the robustness of the organization, working the same way as usual and keeping high levels of productivity.

    Cobham Gaisler presented De-RISC in DSN 2020 via online

    From a communications point of view, De-RISC has adopted methods to continue the promotion of the project activities, such as the conferences or webinars planned for the period. These events represent a great opportunity for the project in order to improve its international presence among the industry and scientific community. During these months, De-RISC has participated in events such as DATE2020, DSN2020 or the LVCUGEN internal workshop, all of them held online.

    We have seen that we are very well prepared to confront the exceptional situation that we are experiencing globally. De-RISC continues its progress remotely with the excellence and passion that characterizes the consortium. A big thanks to the full De-RISC team who, despite the circumstances, continuously does its best to make this project a success!

    Good job, team!!