De-RISC consortium met virtually at their eighth progress meeting to discuss the progress carried out in the last months.
On November 26th 2021, all partners from De-RISC consortium attended the 8th progress meeting of the project and went through the different work packages, sharing all the advances and results obtained during these past months.
Each work package leader presented updates, progress, and future plans related to its work area. The full consortium gave valuable comments and feedback to continue work efficiently in coordination.
During this appointment, several topics were discussed including the technical activities mainly focused on the validation of the platform. The consortium keeps working on this and it is pending on the publication of several papers which will cover the most technical results of the project. From now, two papers have been published in public access and these are available in the publications section of the website.
De-RISC partners are also preparing a couple of things which are expecting to happen in the following months. The first thing will be the participation of the consortium in RISC-V Summit 2021 with two lightning talks regarding the project: one led by fentISS covering the main updates of the project, and another one conducted by Cobham Gaisler concerning the support of the Hypervisor (H) extension of the RISC-V ISA. Additionally, the partners will participate in the face-to-face edition of HIPEAC 2022 which will take place in Budapest. This will be a thrilling opportunity for the consortium not only to network and present the project, but also to meet in person after last time in January 2020!
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