The activities of this project have been structured into seven different work packages, 4 technical and 3 administrative. The proposed work-packages include all the necessary activities to achieve the De-RISC objectives:

    WP1 – Platform Requirements Definition. Lead beneficiary: Thales Research & Technology. This work package defines the requirements of the De-RISC platform. In particular, it covers cross components requirements, as well as end user requirements for space and aviation markets.
    WP2 – Hardware Platform Integration. Lead beneficiary: Cobham Gaisler. WP2 is in charge of the MPSoC setup and board design, as well as the verification of the functional and non-functional features of the MPSoC.
    WP3 – Software platform integration. Lead beneficiary: fentISS. This work package will port XtratuM hypervisor to the RISC-V platform developed in the project and the associated toolset required to develop mixed criticality systems based on XtratuM over the target RISC-V platform.
    WP4 – Validation. Lead beneficiary: Cobham Gaisler. WP4 will define the strategy for validation of the hardware and software products, as well as their validation itself. This work package also includes the space pre-qualification of the platform as part of the validation tasks.
    WP5 – Dissemination, communication and commercialization. Lead beneficiary: fentISS. This work package will group together the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities of the project. The two first tasks will develop the communication and dissemination strategy of the project.
    WP6 – Project Management. Lead beneficiary: fentISS. WP7 oversees the activities to manage and monitor the development and integration activities carried out in the project. It covers all the tasks related to project management and control activities to ensure that the project successfully meets its objectives in time and cost.
    WP7 – Ethics requirements. Lead beneficiary: fentISS. The objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.