De-RISC consortium participates in Space Computing Conference (SCC) 2021

    Sep 16, 2021

    On August 23rd to 26th, De-RISC partners attended the 2021 IEEE Space Computing Conference to communicate the progress of the H2020 project in an event that covers main aspects of De-RISC’s main industry: space.

    The 2021 IEEE Space Computing Conference was held as an all-online virtual event and its scope covered several aspects of space computing from hardware to, applications and benchmarking, including current and emerging technology. In this event, our consortium represented De-RISC project in a presentation belonging to the Computing Architectures track, titled “De-RISC: the First RISC-V Space-graded Platform for Safety-critical Systems”. Stefano Ribes, Hardware Engineer at Cobham Gaisler presented this session to the audience which included engineers, scientists, and computer architects with the objective of advancing the computational capability and reliability of spaceborne systems.

    Our consortium had the chance to explain the most recent updates of the technical work, which is being performed in De-RISC project, highlighting the hardware side in which Cobham Gaisler focus its activity. The software side, mainly covered by fentISS, and the performance validation were also relevant building blocks of this conference.

    Our consortium is more than grateful for having participated in this conference which provides every year valuable inputs for all the attendees and speakers.