Sixth progress meeting

    Apr 26, 2021

    On April 22nd 2021, the De-RISC consortium had its sixth progress meeting which, once more, had to be held online due to the COVID-19 restrictions. This meeting brought together all partners in order to share the new updates and results of the project obtained along these last months and the current situation as of M18.

    During this appointment, several topics were discussed including the recent closure of tasks carried out in WP2 and WP3, which constitutes the hardware and software platform development. From now on, De-RISC’s technical activity will be mainly focused on the validation of the platform which includes the Hardware and Software validation, the End-user Platform validation, the Platform radiation validation, and the Multi-domain assessment. Additionally, this period involved the submission of several technical deliverables which the consortium successfully developed with the excellent teamwork and coordination all partners have showed in this last year and a half.

    De-RISC members during the sixth progress meeting of the project

    This meeting was also a fantastic opportunity to announce the official list of members who will take part in the De-RISC’s Industry Advisory Board. Gianluca Furano (ESA), Pierre Morere (Airbus OneWeb Satellites), Julien Galizzi (CNES), and Raúl Regada (Thales Alenia Space) will be the experts who will refine the product/market fit of the proposed solution in the space domain.

    During this appointment, the video of the project was officially presented to the entire consortium and the response of all partners was very positive. Communication and dissemination is an important feature of any project and this new resource will be a useful way of communicating De-RISC project in just 2 minutes.

    The Project Officer, Paco Gómez (fentISS), stated that the work performed during these past months have provided good results and encouraged the consortium to keep working on and to face any challenges which may arise in this last year of project.