The third progress meeting was held online once again due to the COVID-19 situation
The De-RISC consortium met for its third progress meeting on July 15th, a week later than the expected date agreed in the previous session. Three months ago, the team decided to hold the meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden; however, the COVID-19 global context forced the representatives of the four companies to reschedule the meeting via online.
This third progress meeting was attended by 12 members of the consortium. The progress of the different project activities until Month 10 was analysed during the meeting. The agenda was mainly focused on reviewing the on-going work in all the active Work Packages, including the review of relevant draft documents to be submitted under WP5.

After almost a year since the project’s implementation, De-RISC team is currently focusing its efforts on the technical side of the project concerning hardware and software development. Cobham Gaisler and fentISS took this opportunity to coordinate these two group of requirements and reported the entire consortium the progress development of these areas.
In the upcoming months, the De-RISC consortium will continue to intensify its collaboration and commitment to reach project goals effectively. The next progress meeting will be held in October, coinciding with the first anniversary of the project. We all hope to celebrate the first year of De-RISC being physically together; however, this will depend on the pandemic situation.
Stay tuned!