De-RISC’s online progress meeting after one year of execution

    Nov 2, 2020

    Due to the Covid-19 circumstances, the De-RISC consortium met virtually last Thursday to discuss the progress made in the last months.

    All partners attended the 4th progress meeting of the project and went through the different work packages, sharing all the advances and results obtained during these past months. 

    Each work package leader presented updates, progress, and future plans related to its work area. The full consortium gave valuable comments and feedback to work efficiently in synergy and coordination.

    De-RISC consortium during the 4th progress meeting of the project

    The presentation of the work packages started with the contribution of Cobham Gailer and Barcelona Supercomputing Center, who are jointly collaborating in the success of the hardware requirements of De-RISC platform. After that, fentISS showed the recent updates on the software requirements and had the chance to have a demo of the first prototype of XtratuM XNG/SMP and LithOS running over the De-RISC platform. This meeting was the first one where the validation package was presented and it will involve the participation of the full consortium to define and execute the validation strategy of the HW and SW products. WP5, WP6 and WP7 were also presented by fentISS, as coordinators of the project, and showed great results in the Dissemination area, already achieving some KPIs for the end of the project, as well as in the Management area.

    Next progress meeting plans for the consortium are expected to happen in January 2021. Thanks a lot to all the team members for taking the time to share their progress; we are in the right direction!

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