First face-to-face progress meeting held in Paris

    Jan 24, 2020

    Members of the consortium met in the French capital city for the first De-RISC progress meeting on the 14th and 15th of January

    Last week, Thales Research and Technology hosted the first progress meeting of De-RISC in Paris. Team members from the four institutions of the consortium attended the session in Month 4 of the project. 

    With the project already advanced in its first phase, partners had the opportunity to discuss personally about the project advancement after the Kickoff Meeting and reviewed different issues related to the execution of De-RISC. 

    Our team members working on the project

    During these two days of intensive exchange among partners, the consortium reviewed the progress of each of the active Work Packages, presenting the tasks carried out during the first 4 months of the project, as well as the actions to be performed in the upcoming months. This review of the Work Packages revealed that all the activities were being executed in time and as expected. 

    Additionally to the reviewed actions, Cobham Gaisler organized a workshop for the consortium attendees dealing with its NOEL-V processor and its relevance with De-RISC. The session included a description, a demo and a tutorial, encouraging partners to participate in the discussion. 

    Having dinner at the end of the first progress meeting

    This first progress meeting was a good opportunity to present the first headway in the development of the De-RISC project and discuss further steps of research. The next face-to-face meeting will be held in Barcelona on the 16th and 17th of April and we hope it will be as good as this one!

    We can’t wait to meet again soon!